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1. 概況 1. Overview 國信證券大廈項目(以下簡稱本項目)位于深圳市福田區(qū)福華路與民田路交界處西北角。國信證券大廈是國信證券股份有限公司總部辦公場所,包括部分商業(yè)空間。 The site of Guosen Securities Tower (hereinafter the “Project”) is located on the northwest corner of the intersection between Mintian Road and Fuhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen. Guosen Securities Tower is the headquarter office of Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. and it also has commercial spaces. 項目總用地面積約5,455平方米,地面以上的建筑面積為80,000平方米,建筑高度不超過180米。其中辦公面積為68,000平方米,商業(yè)為12,000平方米。 Land area of the Project is around 5,455sqm. Floor area above ground is 80,000sqm, 68,000sqm for office and 12,000 for commercial purpose. Building height shall be no more than 180m. 2. 國信證券 2. Guosen Securites 國信證券股份有限公司是全國性大型綜合類證券公司。成立于1989年,注冊資本70億元,公司主要從事證券(含境內(nèi)上市公司外資股)的代理買賣、代理證券的還本付息和分紅派息、證券保管和鑒證、代理登記開戶、證券自營買賣、證券(含境內(nèi)上市外資股)的承銷(含主承銷)、證券投資咨詢(含財務顧問)、客戶資產(chǎn)管理、直接投資、融資融券以及中國證監(jiān)會批準的其他業(yè)務。公司的企業(yè)精神是“務實、專業(yè)、和諧、自律”,核心理念是“創(chuàng)造價值,成就你我”。 Incorporated in 1989, Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. is a national large-scale comprehensive securities company, with registered capital of 7 billion RMB. Business of the company includes brokerage of securities (including foreign shares of companies listed in China), principal and interest repayment and dividend payment of securities, securities custody and authentication, brokerage account opening, proprietary trading, underwriting (including lead manager) of securities (including foreign shares listed in China), securities investment advisory (including financial advising), customer asset management, direct investment, margin and other business approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Our corporate spirit is “pragmatic, professional, harmonious and self-discipline” and our core philosophy is “to create value and accomplish you and me.” 3. 目的 3. Purpose 在寫字樓密集的福田金融中心區(qū),以典雅、莊重、透明、簡約、有良好的采光和自然通風、注重環(huán)保節(jié)能為本項目建筑主題。通過競賽公開征集創(chuàng)新的建筑設計方案,為豐富城市文化生活和激發(fā)城市活力作出貢獻, 最終使國信證券大廈成為這一區(qū)域中獨特的標志性建筑。 In the concrete jungle of Futian Financial CBD, use the themes of elegance, solemnity, transparency, simplicity, favorable natural lighting and ventilation, environmental and energy-efficiency for this Project. Solicit innovative architectural design through open contest to enrich cultural life and enhance vitality of the city. Make Guosen Securities Tower a landmark within the region eventually. 4. 競賽 4. Competition 4.1、競賽采用全球公開報名的方式,參賽的設計機構(gòu)應具有超高層設計能力及實踐經(jīng)驗的境外或在境內(nèi)合法開展業(yè)務的獨立設計機構(gòu)或設計聯(lián)合體。恕不接受個人及個人組合的報名。 4.1 The competition is open for registration globally. Participants may be independent design firm or consortium with competence and experience in the design of high-risers, legally operating overseas or within China. Individual or team of individuals is not accepted. 4.2、報名的設計機構(gòu)或聯(lián)合體中需有一方具有國內(nèi)建筑工程設計甲級資質(zhì)。 4.2 The design firm or one party within a consortium shall have Grade A building design certification. 4.3、以聯(lián)合體形式參加競賽的,聯(lián)合體各方應簽訂《聯(lián)合競賽聲明》,并由全體設計機構(gòu)簽署,連同其他報名文件由主設計機構(gòu)提交至主辦方。聯(lián)合體各方不得再單獨以自己名義,或者與另外的設計機構(gòu)組成聯(lián)合體參加此次競賽。 4.3 In case of consortium, parties to the consortium shall enter into a Joint Competition Statement, countersigned by all parties. The Statement shall be submitted by the leading party to the organizer along with other registration documents. Party to the consortium may not participate in the competition in its own name or as a party to a consortium with other design firms. 4.4、報名文件應包括報名表(見附件)、機構(gòu)簡介、公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照及資質(zhì)證明(或商業(yè)登記證明)復印件(加蓋公章或簽字);概念提案(應包括工作計劃及對項目任務書的解讀和初步構(gòu)想(內(nèi)容要求詳見任務書附件))。概念提案的形式不限。請報名機構(gòu)于報名截止日期前將紙質(zhì)報名文件和概念提案提交至主辦方,同時發(fā)送報名文件電子版至報名郵箱,以所有文件最后收到日期為準。 4.4 Registration documents shall include Registration Form (see exhibit), introduction of the organization, copy of business certificate and qualification certificate (or business registration certificate) (with seal or signature), conceptual proposal (including a work plan, understanding of the Specifications and preliminary conception (see Annexes of the Specifications for requirements)). The conceptual proposal may be in any form.Please send the hardcopies of the registration document and conceptual proposal to the host before the deadline(actual receipt), while at the same time e-mail the digital version to us. 4.5、主辦方將組織召開資格預審會議,綜合考慮各報名設計機構(gòu)的相關(guān)業(yè)績及概念提案,從中甄選出6至8家設計機構(gòu)或聯(lián)合體作為邀請參賽設計機構(gòu)。未被邀請的設計機構(gòu)取得主辦方確認后仍可參加競賽,并在評審過程中采用一致的評審方式。 4.5 The organizer shall summon a prequalification meeting to select 6 to 8 design firms or consortia as the invited finalists for competition, based on previous achievements and the conceptual proposal. Design firms not invited may still participate in the competition once confirmed by the organizer, and they will be treated in the same way as for other finalists during the review. 5. 獎金 5. Prize 最終方案評審選出的第一、二、三名,將分別獲得獎金: Top three finalists awarded by the final review will receive prize as follow: 第一名:80萬元人民幣 The first:RMB800,000 第二名:60萬元人民幣 The second:RMB600,000 第三名:40萬元人民幣 The third:RMB400,000 優(yōu)勝方案的第一名將獲得本項目的全程設計委托合同。所獲得的獎金將作為設計合同金額的一部分,并在首付款項中予以扣除;在設計合同簽訂前,應根據(jù)最終方案評審委員會的意見進行一次方案修改完善工作。 The winner will be consigned with the contract of entire design process. The prize is part of the contract value, and will be subtracted from the down payment. Before executing design contract, the design shall be modified/improved according to the opinions of the Final Review Committee. 本項目的整體設計費(含顧問費),參照中國有關(guān)設計取費標準確定為3400萬元。其中方案設計、初步設計、施工圖設計的設計費總額不超過整體設計費的70%,專業(yè)顧問費總額不超過整體設計費的30%。 Fee for the entire design (including consultancy fee) of this Project shall be RMB34,000,000 according to applicable regulations in China, including an amount of no more than 70% for schematic design, design development and construction drawings, and an amount of no more than 30% for consultancy. 未獲得前三名優(yōu)勝的符合評審要求的受邀設計機構(gòu)或聯(lián)合體在提交符合設計要求的成果后將獲得設計成本費20萬元人民幣。獲得前三名優(yōu)勝的受邀設計機構(gòu)在獲得獎金的同時不再被支付設計成本費,并免費提供方案的3DMAX文件。未被邀請的設計機構(gòu)在沒有獲得優(yōu)勝的情況下恕不支付設計成本費。 Invited design firms/consortia other than the top three firms shall be reimbursed for the design cost of RMB200,000 if their submitted schemes meet the requiremnts of the specification. The top three firms shall not be reimbursed for such cost in addition to the prize. 3DMAX file of the design shall be provided free of charge. Design firm not invited will not be reimbursed for the design cost if it has not won the competition. 以上獎金和設計成本費均含稅。 The aforementioned prize and design cost shall include tax. 獎金及設計成本費在評審結(jié)果后60日內(nèi)一次性支付。 Prize and design cost shall be paid within 60 days after the review. 6. 評審 6. Review 本項目競賽采用暗標的方式進行,本次競賽不進行設計機構(gòu)參加的方案匯報。 Competition of this Project shall be carried out anonymously, and there will be no presentation of design by the firms. 評審委員會由邀請的專家(5名)、業(yè)主代表(2名)組成。 The Review Committee comprises invited experts (5) and employer’s representatives (2). 評審的主要依據(jù)和原則有: Main basis and principle of review: - 方案的理念創(chuàng)新 - Concept innovation - 方案的可實施性及造價控制 - Enforceability and cost control - 方案的綠色節(jié)能技術(shù) - Green and energy-saving technologies - 設計機構(gòu)的組織實施能力(通過方案本身判斷) - Organizing and implementing capacity of design firm (determined by the design itself) 7. 成果 7. Deliverables 參賽設計機構(gòu)提交的作品除正本圖冊外不得出現(xiàn)任何與設計內(nèi)容無關(guān)或明示暗示作者身份的文字或標識(具體要求詳見《設計任務書》)。 Except on the original drawing book submitted by participants, text or symbol irrelevant to the design or implying the identity of the designer is not allowed (see Design Specifications for detailed requirements). 每家設計機構(gòu)(獨立或聯(lián)合體)只能報送一個方案。 Each design firm (independent or consortium) may submit one scheme only. 參賽設計機構(gòu)須在截止時間前將最終競賽成果文件提交至主辦方(地址:深圳市紅嶺中路1012號國信證券大廈16樓,郵編:518001),以實際收到日期為準。 Participants shall submit the competition deliverables to the organizer (address: 16F, Guosen Securities Building, 1012 Honglingzhong Road, Shenzhen 518001) before deadline (actual receipt). 8. 日程 8. Time Table ▲ 報名 2010年 6 月 25 日截止 ▲ Registration Before June 25, 2010 ☆ 資格預審會 初定于2010 年 7月 15 日 ☆ Pre-assessment jury July 15, 2010 ◆ 公布資格預審評審結(jié)果 2010 年 7 月 20日17:00 時之前 ◆ Pre-assessment result announcement before 17:00, July 20, 2010 ⊙ 現(xiàn)場踏勘 2010年 8 月 5 日 ⊙ Site visit August 5, 2010 ■ 答疑截止 2010年 8月20日 ■ Deadline of the Q&A August 20, 2010 ◇ 提交設計成果 2010年 9 月 20 日 17 時截止 ◇ Submission of deliverables Before 17:00, September 20, 2010 ● 評審 2010年 9 月 27 日 ● Review September 27, 2010 以上時間均為北京時間。以上日程如有變動,組織單位將及時通知設計機構(gòu)。 Date & time are of Beijing Time. The organizer will inform design firms should there be any change to the schedule. 9. 版權(quán) 9. Intellectual Property 所有參賽作品的著作權(quán)歸參賽設計機構(gòu)或聯(lián)合體所有,業(yè)主和組織單位有權(quán)使用所有作品進行任何形式的公開展示和出版。 Copyright of all competition works resides with the design firm or consortium. The employer and organizer air entitled to use any of the works for public exhibition and publication in any form. 設計機構(gòu)或聯(lián)合體的侵權(quán)行為可能導致參賽資格的喪失,以及獎金和設計保底費的損失,業(yè)主和組織機構(gòu)將不承擔由此造成的任何責任。 Default of design firm or consortium may result in forfeiture of its eligibility and loss of prize and design cost. Neither the employer nor the organizer shall be responsible for such consequence. 本次競賽活動受中華人民共和國法律管轄,競賽工作和所有競賽成果文件適用中國法律。若發(fā)生爭議,經(jīng)協(xié)商不成時,雙方同意提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會華南分會仲裁。仲裁為終局裁決,對雙方當事人均有約束力。 This competition event is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. The laws of China are applicable to the competition event and all deliverables. In case of dispute that could not be solved through consultation, both parties agree to submit the same to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) South China Sub-Commission for arbitration. The arbitration shall be final and binding on both parties. 設計機構(gòu)和聯(lián)合體參加本項目競賽被視為接受本競賽文件的全部條款和要求。 Participation of design firms and consortia shall be deemed to have accepted all terms and requirements of the Competition File. 本項目競賽規(guī)則的最終解釋權(quán)歸國信證券股份有限公司所有。 Interpretation of the competition rules of the Project shall reside with Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. 10. 組織 10. Organizing 業(yè)主: 國信證券股份有限公司 Employer : Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. 組織: 一和研發(fā)中心 Organizing unit : Ehow R&D Center 監(jiān)督: 深圳市規(guī)劃和國土資源委員會 Supervisor : Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality 11. 其他 11. Miscellaneous 本次競賽活動相關(guān)文件一律采用中英文對照格式。中英文內(nèi)容不一致時,以中文為準。 Documents of the competition shall be bilingual in both Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies between Chinese version and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 資料索。 競賽文件、設計任務書及報名表格,到以下網(wǎng)站下載:www.guosen.com.cn ,www.szpl.gov.cn Inquiry: Visit www.guosen.com.cn and www.szpl.gov.cn to download Competition File, Design Specifications and Registration Form. 聯(lián)系人 Contact 業(yè)主: 國信證券股份有限公司 Employer : Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. 鄧瓊 TEL:0755-8213 0488 FAX:0755-82130551 Deng Qiong TEL:0755-8213 0488 FAX:0755-82130551 地址:深圳市羅湖區(qū)紅嶺中路1012號國信證券大廈16樓 Address: 16F, Guosen Securities Building, 1012 Honglingzhong Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen 郵編: 518001 Postcode: 518001 電子郵箱: dengqiong@guosen.com.cn E-Mail: dengqiong@guosen.com.cn 組織單位: 一和研發(fā)中心 Organizing unit : Ehow R&D Center 刁 中(Diao Zhong) 139 0123 3289 Diao Zhong 139 0123 3289 電話/傳真: 86 755 8609 6263 Tel/Fax: 86 755 8609 6263 電子郵箱: competition@ehow.net.cn E-Mail: competition@ehow.net.cn ※注:發(fā)送或回復電子郵件時請同時抄送以上兩個郵箱 ※Note: Please Cc to the two e-mail addresses when sending or replying our e-mail
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